Make an Accomplishment List

March 28, 2021

An accomplishment list? How can that help? As we approach the end of March and looking back over the past year, we may want to say I didn’t get this done, and lament over the things we couldn’t do because of the pandemic. I suggest that we turn this negative viewing on to a more positive activity. Maybe this challenge will help lift your spirits. Make a “got it done list”, an accomplishment list.

As the brain fog is still lifting and energy is returning, at the end of your day write down the items you accomplished today or this week. We have conditioned ourselves to strive to get that list done by the end of the day, the task become overwhelming during the past year of the pandemic. No matter how small the task was, write it in a list. By the end of the week you will be surprise at what you did accomplish. Want a bigger boost, list what you did during the pandemic. Self care? watched new movie, learned a new recipe?

Make the accomplishment list and give yourself a pat on the back, because yes you did it and you got done. when you look at the to do list for the day, the week or the month, take a few minutes to list down what you have done. It’s a positive habit to help you feel accomplished and wipe out the brain fog.

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